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So far [email protected] has created 71 blog entries.

Sleep Disturbances in ESRD

By |2025-01-13T19:54:43+00:00June 13th, 2023|

  Sleep disturbances are prevalent among individuals with End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD), posing significant challenges to their overall well-being and quality of life. Factors such as malnutrition, fluid retention and anxiety can contribute to sleep difficulties affecting various aspects of the dialysis patients’ physical health, their cognitive function, and mood regulation. Today, we hope to [...]

Phosphate Problems

By |2023-05-17T19:02:07+00:00May 9th, 2023|

  Every month a key biomarker is assessed in patients on dialysis to help assess mineral and bone health, that marker is serum phosphate. And unfortunately, more often than not, the numbers don’t look good. In one study by Antonio and colleagues published in 2022, 66% of patients in a cohort of 2,176 patients had [...]

How Do We Beat the Burn Out?

By |2023-04-25T16:13:14+00:00April 11th, 2023|

  Hi there! Are you struggling with being stressed in healthcare? Are you tired of being tired? You are not alone. Likely you are experiencing burn-out. Burn-out is included (believe it or not) in the World Health Organization’s ICD-11 as an occupational phenomenon. Burn-out is defined as “a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace [...]

Managing Hypertension in CKD

By |2023-02-07T20:50:42+00:00February 7th, 2023|

  My name is Kathleen Meyer, RD, LD and Sales Manager at Patient Care America. I’ve been an RD for over 27 years, many of which have included caring for patients receiving dialysis. This month’s webinar is particularly important to me, as I was diagnosed with hypertension in December of 2020 after suffering a hemorrhagic [...]

Oral Nutrition Supplements

By |2023-01-09T15:06:10+00:00January 9th, 2023|

  If you are a healthcare provider who has been working with patients in the last decade to improve their nutrition status, you’ve likely seen some major changes in food trends. Sometimes these trends help our work and other times, they hurt our efforts. One area that seems to be of major benefit is the [...]

CKD and Physical Fitness

By |2022-12-22T21:16:51+00:00December 12th, 2022|

  My name is Scott Kimner, MPH, RD, LD! Senior Nutrition Therapy Consultant for the Atlanta and middle Georgia area who has worked with Patient Care America for the last six and a half years. Prior to my tenure at PCA, I was blessed enough to be a renal dietitian with an independent dialysis company [...]

Dialysis at the Root of Bioethics

By |2022-10-11T18:04:06+00:00October 11th, 2022|

  Bioethics, noun A discipline dealing with ethical implications of biological research and applications especially in medicine. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term bioethics was first used in 1970. You may be surprised to learn that the introduction of dialysis was one of the reasons the term bioethics came about. In 1962 the first [...]

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